I searched some Japanese sources about the secrecy of game development teams and found this roundtable interview by Denfaminicogamer with several game scenario writers: https://news.denfaminicogamer.jp/interview/210902a

In page two of the interview, the panelists suggest that the risk of talent poaching is one reason why game developer identities are sometimes kept secret. I imagine this is still a relevant concern today. There are also additional comments about the use of outsourced talent and how development companies may try to distance themselves from them because they aren't direct employees.

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I learned about two years ago that I should stop following game franchises and I should start following game development studios. You're so right about it being difficult to find who made certain games, I always found this puzzling. I don't care who published the game, I wanna know who MADE it!

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Since I watched an anime (haha) about game dev. (New Game!) I always try to find who made the game that I am playing. Because the majority of them are Indies, it is easy to find, but sometimes it is hard to know more about the team.

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